turkeyforexpats.com Scam?


RATING: 0 /5

How to spot a trading scam?

Broker Name
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Not to be trusted

turkeyforexpats.com Review

turkeyforexpats.com offer their trading and investment services to clients around the globe.

turkeyforexpats.com use internet telephone software like skype (VOIP) to call you from a fake USA or European phone number.

These scammers usually operate on instagram and facebook with fake profiles and fake pictures of a fake lifestyle including fake reviews to try and convince you to invest in their scam.

turkeyforexpats.com is hosted on the server ip address:

The server for turkeyforexpats.com is located in: United Kingdom , Europe

turkeyforexpats.com was first registered 3 years 301 days ago

You can check if turkeyforexpats.com is on any spam lists by clicking here

If you have invested any funds with this broker you can be assured that you have probably been scammed out of your money.

They may claim to be regulated however we could find no trace of regulation held at any regulatory body anywhere in the world.

turkeyforexpats.com office address is likely a fake address and the owner of the building said that they did not rent any space at this address.

You can investigate their website and see its date of creation and see how recently the website address was purchased and the owner information by clicking here.

If you have already signed up with turkeyforexpats.com act before it's too late and contact us here for help recovering your investment.

If you need to complain to them their email address is: [email protected]